Bangladeshi women alarmed by emboldened hardliners – World

Asif Sardar Arnab, a librarian at the Dhaka University arrested for sexually harassing a student, was soon released — greeted by a cheering crowd who presented him with flower garlands.

His alleged victim was a student who enthusiastically supported the youth-led uprising that overthrew the nation’s autocratic government last year.

That young woman, after receiving a torrent of violent threats from religious hardliners emboldened by the political upheaval, now wonders whether she made the right choice.

“A perpetrator was freed because of a mob,” she said in a social media post.

“You can’t imagine the number of rape and death threats I’ve received,” added the woman, who cannot be identified due to Bangladeshi laws designed to protect sexual harassment complainants from retribution.

“We made a mistake by joining the movement. So many people sacrificed their lives in vain.”

Ex-premier Sheikh Hasina, ousted in last August’s revolution, took a tough stance against religious movements during her 15-year tenure. Her government was blamed for gruesome human rights abuses, and for many, her departure heralded change.

Since her exit, the hardline religiously fuelled activism that Hasina’s government had driven underground has resurfaced. Much of it is directed at Bangladeshi women, accused of failing to act with sufficient modesty.

Arnab, who works at the library of the prestigious Dhaka University, was accused of accosting a student on campus, saying that her choice of attire did not sufficiently cover her breasts.

The student complained, and Arnab was arrested. Supporters of Arnab, who believed he had acted in appropriate deference to his religious convictions, surrounded the police station and demanded his release.

They yielded when a court quickly bailed Arnab — something the female student attributed to mob pressure.

Demonstrators scuffle with police during a protest march near the home ministry, in Dhaka on Feb 24 against the recent incidents of rape and violence against women in Bangladesh. — AFP

A spokesperson for Dhaka’s police force, Md Talebur Rahman, told AFP that Arnab was still under investigation and also acknowledged the menacing behaviour his victim had faced.

“She can lodge a complaint against those who have been threatening her,” Rahman added.

sweeping crackdown, dubbed Operation Devil Hunt, against gangs allegedly connected to Hasina and working to foment unrest.

Maleka Banu, of the feminist campaign group Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, said those resources would have been better spent on trying to curb sexual violence.

“What good is it for the government to simply express concern? We expected action,” she said.

“After Sheikh Hasina’s fall, a series of violent incidents followed. The government was in complete denial […] Now, they claim the fallen dictator is behind every crime.”

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